Anyway, we started October with a trip to the local orchard to pick apples, and lots of them at that. Both girls decided that they needed to help pull the wagon with the apples (and occasionally a sister) in it.
We also made a trip over to my parents, during the Fairfield County Fair, so we needed the heavier weight jackets, per usual. The girls had a great time playing with some of Mommy’s old toys and visiting relatives (or in the case of AJT07, playing highly competitive games of Connect Four).
The last two Saturdays of October were busy with trick or treating. We first went to the Indianapolis Zoo for Zoo Boo, although the main reason for going was the treats in the Plains area, the girls still enjoyed seeing the animals again. Unlike some other towns, Indianapolis had Trick or Treat night on the October 31st. However prior to the actual Trick or Treating, there was the annual Neighborhood Halloween Parade and Costume Contest. AJT04 did not win anything this year, but AJT07 did – Most Creative in the 0-2 year old category.
AJT04 was a Vaudeville Actress this year – unfortunately, the hat did not stay on all of the time, but she still received treats just the same.
AJT07 was the ever-popular Ohio State cheerleader even though Daddy’s father is a Purdue fan (maybe AJT07 should have been wearing the outfit the weekend of the OSU-Purdue game). I guess that her outfit was more than a little influenced by Mommy.
Since the Halloween events, the biggest challenge has been keeping AJT07 from eating all of her treats. Unfortunately, she has figured out how to open Ziploc bags and how to unwrap candy. Needless to say, her stockpile is now smaller than her sister’s. Oh well, I hope that you had a wonderful Halloween and received many more treats than tricks.